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2014 :)

Halo ;3 
Today is 28/01/2014.
I want to share my things that happen in 2013.
There were something happy something sad or something angry.
However i just think happy thing, that is enough.
During March on 2013, i had travel to Korea <3
After that i also went to Singapore and Indonesia. x)
In addition, i get my PMR result.
I get 3A3B2C..........toooooooooo bad A_____A
A in Chinese/English/Mathematics =)
Now, is the turn of 2014 :*
Time pass so fast, more two day is Chinese New Year! <3
 A new year A new change :3 xD
I want to share my good news to yours. :)
Finally I get my GOLD iPhone 5s on 01/01/2014!
What a special and uneasy forget day x) 
Thanks my daddy mummy for buying this to me :)

That all :)
Thanks for seeing this. :p
If you think i am LC and showoff, click the cross and get out.
Bye xD

